MBE Winter Issue
Featuring ABIS Founder Gary Charles
A Legend Ensuring Equity in Sports

Fran Marie had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Gary Charles, Founder, and CEO of the Advancement of Blacks in Sports (ABIS). ABIS’s official website helps us understand the importance of equal and fair practices. They even have a playlist of good sports executives on the right side of history.
Gary Charles is a legend in the world of Grassroots basketball. Hailing from Roosevelt, Long Island, Charles founded a grassroots basketball program that has produced more than 20 NBA players. Gary Charles has helped direct the legendary ABCD Camp and started the Fab48 Tournament.
ABIS Press Clips

Grassroots basketball legend Gary Charles and former DePaul and Virginia head coach Dave Leitao talk about their 501c3 organization, ABIS (Advancement of Blacks in Sports).

Gary Charles, a grass roots basketball coaching legend fostered partnerships with high profile individuals to launch Advancement of Blacks in Sports, Inc. (ABIS), a newly established non-profit organization with a mission to connect and inspire people to boldly advocate for racial, social, and economic justice for Blacks in sports.