The Voice Of Racial Equity In Sports


Our mission is to connect and inspire people to boldly advocate for racial equity, social and economic justice for blacks in sports.

Trusted By

ABIS Physically Fit, Mentally Strong

We are committed to providing and building a stronger, healthier culture for Blacks in sports. Every athlete (collegiate or pro) or coach can noy only be Physically Fit but also be Mentally STRONG if given the wisdom, tools, and support to actively participate in improving their mental health.

ABIS Financial Coaching Program

We teach Black collegiate athletes’ best practices to money management, sustainability and wealth by COACHING them while they are undergrads. Empower Black collegiate athletes with a great understanding of responsible financial management and generate long-term wealth

ABIS Emerging Leaders Academy

ABIS is proudly supports the development of young Black athletes as they transition into their next phase in life. Whether they are in college and wish to become a pro athlete or a corporate exec there are a number of areas where they need support. From mentorship, internships, mental health support, financial literacy or personal development, the ABiS Emerging Leaders Academy was created to address their needs.

ABIS Black Coaches Watch List

NCAA’s top Black men’s and women’s head and assistant coaches from across the country. Our goal is to take the most deserving, qualified, and prepared Black coaches in the NCAA and elevate their careers to the next l

ABIS and INROADS have joined forces to rewrite history, ensuring that Black athletes and those who may not reach professional athlete status have access to opportunities for success.


2022/2023 Financial Coaching program supported by JP Morgan Chase covered 12 Colleges and universities, seven of which are Historically Black Colleges and Universities.  

This program is a 7-week program of workshops and exercises educating Black college athletes about financial literacy, money management, best practices, credit security, the stock market and more. This past school year, we reached the minds and empowered over 200 Black college athletes.  

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